Dress Your Home to Impress

Our objective at CENTURY 21® Select Group  is to get your home sold as quickly as possible and at the best price possible.  One thing you can do to help facilitate this outcome is to stage your home to accentuate its best features. 

A potential home buyer forms an opinion about your home in a matter of seconds, we’ve only got one chance to make a first impression and it is important to make your home stand out from the other similar homes that potential home buyers are touring in the area. 


- Take a good look at your home and spend a little time giving its exterior a freshening up: nothing beats a power wash or paint job!

- Make sure the sidewalk is swept.

- Keep grass mowed and weeds pulled.



-Make sure your home is free of any strong odors: pet, tobacco or otherwise. 

- Clean up living spaces and remove any unnecessary furniture to open up rooms.

- Remove personal knickknacks such as family photos and refrigerator magnets- We want potential home buyers to imagine their own family in this home, not yours.

- Keep the basement and garage organized to highlight extra storage potential to new buyers. 


Staged homes are perceived as more comfortable and have been proven to sell faster.  For more ideas about home staging, feel free to contact myself or your CENTURY 21 REALTOR. 

Michelle Manassero
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